About & contact

atomas studio wordpress and statamic website development

Hi, I'm Tomas - the owner, author and developer at Atomas Studio . I've been building websites, plugins and online stores since 2010. In that time I've build more than 200 WordPress websites for personal projects and business clients, mostly in Europe.

Currently I'm working on custom Statamic and WordPress websites. I also help businesses with WordPress and WooCommerce websites - from design updates to performance and admin User Experience optimization.

I'm a big fan of simplification. I even built an entire business out of admin panel minification in once popular e-commerce software OpenCart (here's the website). It's probably why I prefer simple and customizable Statamic admin panel and WordPress native visual editor over Elementor or any other third party page builders.

Need help with Your current WordPress or WooCommerce project, or you're ready to switch to Statamic? Let's chat then!