How to duplicate page or post in WordPress

It takes quite a lot of work to copy and paste content from one WordPress post or page to another. Especially if the content is built using multiple blocks. Even worse, if it’s a custom layout page built using a third party page builder plugin.

Today I’ll show you how to duplicate page or post in WordPress just in seconds, without any additional work. You just need one free plugin for the task, and Yoast has one which does it brilliantly.

How to clone a page or post in WordPress

The plugin you need is named Yoast Duplicate Post. You can download it from WordPress repository, or make it even easier.

Just to go your WordPress admin panel, click on Plugins >> Add New, and enter duplicate post to the search field.

Locate the plugin, click Install Now, activate the Yoast Duplicate Post plugin, and you’re ready to go!

how to make a copy of a page in wordpress

How to duplicate page or post in WordPress

After activating the plugin open Posts or Pages sections in your WordPress admin panel.

Once you hover on any of the posts, you’ll notice a Clone link.

wordpress how to duplicate page or post

Once you click it, plugin will automatically create a copy of a post or page with identical content. The only difference between them – the new one won’t be automatically published. It will be set as Draft.

how to clone page in wordpress

Once you make changes you want in it, everything you’ll need to do is click Publish, and the cloned page will show up for website visitors.

Plugin was tested in various websites – it clones pages built with Classic editor, Gutenberg editor, with Atomic Blocks, Page Builder by Siteorigin, and most of the other popular site builders. Everytime copied page looks and functions the same as the original.

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