How to remove Theme SEO Settings and Scripts from pages and posts in Genesis themes

One of the main reason I’m using Genesis Framework based WordPress themes is that the framework itself does not mess with WordPress admin panel. You don’t get masses of shortcuts in admin panel, there are no notifications or annoying popups. The framework stays out of your sight most of your time, and that’s great.

There are some useful tools though which Genesis Framework does add in the admin panel, and these tools are not useful for every single one of use. And those are Scripts and Theme SEO Settings panels in WordPresss post and pages. Today I’ll show you how to get rid both, or one of these panels from WordPress admin panel. You can do it two ways:

I’d like to notice that some SEO plugins (like Yoast SEO) disable Genesis’ Theme SEO Settings panels automatically once the plugin is installed.

OK, let’s get to the instructions. They work in Genesis Sample theme but they should work on any other Genesis Framework based themes as well.

How to hide Scripts and Theme SEO Settings from WordPress admin panel in Genesis

Hiding Genesis’ Scripts and Theme SEO Settings panels in WordPress admin panel is extremely simple and straightforward. But this method has a drawback – it needs to be set up for all users in WordPress panel.

If you want to hide these panels in posts and pages, open any post or page in WordPress admin panel, and hit Options at the top right of the page (three vertical dots).

wordpress page preferences

Once you see the Options menu click on Preferences.

wordpress post preferences

To disable Genesis panels select Panels tab, and disable any of the panels you don’t use – either Theme SEO settingsScripts or both.

wordpress disable theme seo settings and scripts for genesis

If you’ll disable these panels in posts, they will also be hidden in pages and vice versa – no need to make the same pages in both places.

As I mentioned, the drawback of this method is that these preferences only affect the current WordPress user. If there are multiple users in your website they’ll need to change the same settings too.

How to remove Scripts and Theme SEO Settings Genesis panels using functions.php file

Removing Theme SEO Settings and Scripts panels from WordPress admin panel requires a tiny amount of code which you’ll need to add to your Genesis child theme’s functions.php file. But it’s easy, and you’ll never need to get back to these settings ever again – even for other site users.

Go to Appearance >> Theme File Editor in WordPress admin panel, and open functions.php file.

To disable Theme SEO Settings in pages and posts add this line of code to the end of the functions.php file:

remove_action( 'admin_menu', 'genesis_add_inpost_seo_box' );

Removing Scripts panel from Genesis Sample theme (or any other Genesis based theme) requires a few more lines of code:

add_action( 'admin_menu' , 'imakeitwork_remove_scripts_panel' );
function imakeitwork_remove_scripts_panel() {
	remove_meta_box( 'genesis_inpost_scripts_box', 'post', 'normal' ); 
	remove_meta_box( 'genesis_inpost_scripts_box', 'page', 'normal' ); 

This code removes removes Scripts both from pages and posts.

The final code should look the image above – all scripts in theme’s functions.php file.

wordpress genesis sample how to disable scripts and theme seo settings panels

Job done – now you’ll have slightly cleaner WordPress admin panel, and your website editors won’t need to think what to do with those empty boxes while editing pages and posts.