Where to find WordPress database credentials in Cpanel, Directadmin or using FTP

There might be a situation when you’ll need to find out your WordPress website database login details – database name, database username and password.

It’s not hard to find if you know where to look it for. But if you don’t, here you’ll find a guider where to find your WordPress website’s database credentials using either Cpanel, DirectAdmin, or using FTP client software:

Where to find WordPress database name, username and password in Cpanel

If you just need to find database name and username in Cpanel, you’ll find the information you need in Databases >> MySQL databases page.

But if you need all database credentials of your WordPress website in Cpanel, go to Files >> File Manager.

wordpress database credentials in cpanel

In the file manager look for public or public_html directory (depending on your server configuration). Click on it.

wordpress database username and password in cpanel

Click the right mouse button on file named wp-config.php, and select View.

how to view wordpress database credentials in cpanel using file manager

Now you’ll see the contents of the WordPress config file. Look for lines with text DB_NAMEDB_USERDB_PASSWORD and DB_HOST – that’s your WordPress database name, database username, database password, and database host (most of the time it’s localhost).

wordpress database login credentials in cpanel

How to view WordPress database credentials in DirectAdmin

To find out WordPress website’s database name and username you may look at MySQL Management page. But there you won’t find current WordPress database password.

To get the complete database login credentials of your WordPress website go to Your Account >> File Manager.

wordpress database credentials in directamin

Click on public_html or public folder (depending on server configuration).

wordpress files in directadmin

Find a file wp-config.php, and hit Edit button to view it’s content.

wordpress database login details in directadmin

Here you’ll find your WordPress website’s database credentials:

  • DB_NAME – WordPress database name

  • DB_USER – WordPress database username

  • DB_PASSWORD – WordPress database password

  • DB_HOST – host of your WordPress website

view wordpress database credentials using directadmin

Where to find WordPress database credentials using FTP client app

For viewing your WordPress database credentials using FTP you’ll need some kind of FTP client software (like Filezilla Client).

Once you login to your hosting server the procedure of finding your WordPress database credentials is similar to the way you do it in Cpanel and DirectAdmin. Find public_html or public directory in your WordPress hosting FTP server and double-click it.

wordpress files in ftp using filezilla

Double-click wp-config.php file – it will be downloaded to your computer once you do that.

view wordpress files using filezilla

Find the file you just downloaded in your computer, and open it with any text editor.

wordpress database credentials file

Look for lines DB_NAMEDB_USERDB_PASSWORD and DB_HOST – these fields are all the database credentials of your WordPress website you might need.

wordpress database login details (credentials) in ftp

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